Keynote Speaker:
Arthur Guzzetti, Vice President- Policy, American Public Transportation Association (APTA)
On October 20th, seventeen rail industry companies from Class 1 freight railroads to engineering consultants and manufacturers sponsored the 2nd Annual Rail Day/Expo . The day featured a morning poster session highlighting student and faculty rail research at Tech, an industry recruitment Expo with technology demonstrations, industry panel discussion, and the Railroad Night XI. Nearly 200 students from various disciplines participated in the different events througout the day and Railroad Night XI brought together over 130 students, faculty, administration and community members to network, discuss rail transportation and to learn from latest policy issues from our Keynote Speaker, Art Guzzetti. Overall, the event was deemed a great success, and the Rail Transportation Program/Railroad Engineering Activities Club have already started the early planning activities for the 3rd Annual Rail Day/Expo in 2016.
Click on the links here for Event poster | Photos | and Video from 2nd Annual Rail Day
Click here to see the web page of 1st Annual Rail Day/Expo (2014)
We Thank Our Program Sponsor
for ongoing support of the Rail Transportation Program
We also add a special thanks to our Lunch on the Mall Sponsors
for their special support!
Company Registration - $500

Industry Lunch on the Mall - $1500