The RTP is multi-disciplinary and open to a wide range of degree programs for both undergraduate and graduate students. Students can either complete a series of courses applicable to the Minor in Rail Transportation, or simply take individual courses. Below, you will find the courses offered by RTP. Additionally, students may participate in Enterprise projects and rail-centered Senior Design projects.

CEE 3490
1 credits
Introduction to topics related to rail transportation and industry. Overview of North American passenger and freight railroads in the past and today, system components (railroad track, rolling stock, and signals/communications), organizations, careers and safety, and technology and sustainability.
*Pre-Requisite for CEE 4407*
CEE 4404
3 credits
This 3 credit course provides an Overview of basic elements and roles of rail transportation, history, organizations and economics, safety, intercity and urban passenger rail, freight operations, track-train dynamics, signals and communications, motive power and equipment, track components, construction and maintenance.
CEE 4407
4 credits
An introduction to the planning-design-construction process for highways, intersections, and railroads. Operations, capacity, safety, and geometric design features. Horizontal and vertical alignment and cross sections. Design criteria, standards, environmental aspects, cost, and construction considerations. Use of CAD systems in preparing contact plans.
OSM 4700
3 credits
Focuses on the transportation and distribution services that support demand fulfillment from the receipt of customer orders to order fulfillment. Topics include customer service, order fulfillment, inventory, transportation costs and modes, facility design and operation, carrier selection, and negotiation.
CEE 5408
3 credits
An exploration of public transit that includes: history, government policy, market behavior, sustainability, funding and financing, user characteristics, transit modes and technology, level of service, planning, operations, facilities design, construction, marketing, and future trends.