Last year, the 1st Annual Rail Day/Expo presented by the Railroad Engineering and Activities Club (REAC) and the Rail Transportation Program at Michigan Tech, was a major success. This time around, many students who attended the 2nd Annual Rail Day/Expo, would have to say the same thing. On October 20th, seventeen rail industry companies from Class 1 freight railroads to engineering consultants and manufacturers, sponsored the 2nd Annual Rail Day/Expo. The day featured a morning poster session highlighting student and faculty rail research at Tech, as well as an industry recruitment Expo with technology demonstrations.
Bringing industry representatives from nearly every facet of the rail industry, this allowed students to network with experienced individuals and learn what a career in the rail industry might be like. Almost 200 students from various disciplines participated in the different events throughout the day. Overall, the event was deemed a great success, and the Rail Transportation Program/Railroad Engineering Activities Club have already started the early planning activities for the 3rd Annual Rail Day/Expo in 2016.
For more photos of the event Click Here