Thank you for considering helping develop the next generation of railroaders! There are a couple of ways to make this happen.
If you want to make your contribution tax deductible, you will need to donate through the Michigan Tech Fund. Go to https://www.mtu.edu/givenow/?desig=&code=NAV and complete the on-line form. Make sure you check the Give to a department, program, or area radio button, and choose Other. In the Special Instructions box, write for Fund 3174 in support of the Rail and Intermodal Transportation Summer Youth Program. Contact David Nelson at dannelso@mtu.edu and let me know you've made a contribution so I can track it with the Tech Fund!
If you are not so concerned with the tax deduction, you can send a check to Rail Transportation Program, 318 Dillman Hall, 1400 Townsend Drive, Houghton, MI 49931. Make the check payable to Michigan Technological University, and include a note saying that you are supporting the SYP program.
If you have any questions, contact David Nelson at 906-487-1734 or by e-mail at dannelso@mtu.edu
Corporate Sponsors from 2016
Canadian National Railways
Michigan Tech Transportation Institute
Intermodal Association of North America
National University Rail Center