Tim Hoeffner is the Director of Michigan Department of Transportation's (MDOT) Office of Rail, which focuses on passenger and freight rail issues and developments for the State of Michigan.
Tim gradutated from Michigan Tech in 1980 with a Bachelor's degree in Civil Engineering, and has since accumulated over 30 years at MDOT. He's held the posts of including Manager, Freight Safety and Services Division; Manager, Rail Passenger Services Division; and Administrator, Intermodal Policy Division, where he served as policy advisor on critical transportation issues, and analyzed and monitored federal and state legislation. He also is Gov. Snyder's representative on the Midwest Intercity Passenger Rail Commission, where he serves as vice chair.
Mr Hoeffner has been a significant supporter of Michigan Tech's Rail Transportation program over the years, and at the 2017 Railroad Night, he was named an Honorary REAC Member.