The Michigan Tech Rail Transportation Program (RTP) and Railroad Engineering and Activities Club (REAC) organized what turned out to be an awesome day of railroad industry activities on the Michigan Tech campus. The 22 companies identified with logos below collaborated to showcase the industry to our students, and to encourage those students to consider careers in rail.
The day opened with several events for our industry guests: a welcome and overview from the RTP director, Dr Pasi Lautala; and a poster session and breakfast. The poster session demonstrated the depth and breadth of our undergraduate and graduate student projects and research programs to our guests.
In the afternoon students had the opportunity to visit industry displays and talk with industry representatives. Career opportunities, rail technology, cool equipment, and jobs were all topics of discussion. The Dow courtyard was filled with railroad equipment, and a tent that offered free lunch to students at the price of a visit to an industry display.
The day continued with a Meet the Industry Session, attended by over 50 students. Industry representatives talked about their companies and discussed career opportunities for all disciplines. A question and answer period provided additional information to students, and industry provided door prizes that kept everyone interested!
Our 10th Annual Railroad Night with over 140 attendees, including industry, faculty, students, and local community members rounded out the evening. The social period gave our students a chance to wrap up discussions from the day in a relaxed setting. Presentations by Mr Bruce Seely and our keynote speaker, Mr Tim Hoeffner, provided the background to a stimulating evening of conversation.